Perio Gel

Hydrogen Peroxide:

The active ingredient in Perio Gel is hydrogen peroxide. It occurs naturally in the body and is also a powerful antimicrobial. Hydrogen Peroxide penetrates the protective slime layer covering bacterial communities, and it can break down the cell walls of bacteria responsible for the infection and oral wounds associated with gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

These infections and oral wounds are hard to see because they are hidden below the gum tissue. Getting medication under the gums, and keeping it there long enough to work, can be a challenge. Research shows that a customized prescription Perio Tray can deliver and maintain Perio Gel below the gum tissue long enough for the hydrogen peroxide to do its work.

Tooth whitening:

A common side effects of Perio Gel usage in prescription trays is gradual tooth whitening. The 1.7% concentration of hydrogen peroxide in Perio Gel is much lower than professional whitening products, so whitening effects will not be immediately noticed, but consistent usage gives you a whiter and brighter smile.

For best results:

Store Perio Gel away from sunlight at room temperature (do not freeze or refrigerate). For better control dispensing the gel, snip the end tip of the tube.

Treatment is important

Research shows a connection between gum disease (periodontitis or gingivitis) and serious systemic diseases including:

Type 2 Diabetes

Cardiovascular Disease

Respiratory Disease

Blood Clots and Strokes

Alzeimer’s Disease

Chronic Inflammatory Conditions

Infections in gum tissue may provide a doorway for bacteria to enter your body and contribute to other health concerns, so it is especially important to take gum disease seriously.

With treatment and a good maintenance program, most patients are able to prevent additional tissue damage. Bacteria communities regenerate quickly in the mouth. Keeping the oral bacteria under control is key to helping prevent disease recurrence.

Be sure to talk to your doctor about any concerns you have.

Published by kellyngocpham

Hygiene Coach at Gentle Dental

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Perio Tray Therapy for Gum Disease

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